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Writer's pictureLily Bell

A Love For A Pet: I Endear, For My One And Only

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

pinterest graphic with text A love for pet

white fluffy maltipoo looking at a window

A simple look, a panting open-mouthed puppy (with tongue sticking out like a bacon strip tongue), paws on my chest, and a nudge from her nose on my shin all of these gestures make my heart melt. I love my puppy. I had her since she was 2 weeks old. I would not let her go. Who would? So this article would be talking about, A Love For A Pet: I Endear, For My One And Only.

She brings joy into my life, agility at its best for me to keep up with her energy. But now she has grown old going on 13 years of age. I suspect she has arthritis in her front legs. I for one am not a vet, but I do see when she is hurting when she jumps from the bed to the floor and her legs are shaking because it hurts. I knew this time would come. It is just a matter of watching it unfurl and to deal with it when it gets worse. Hoping it won't.....

She just warms my heart. Her mellowness when she sleeps, her sense of loving me, and all the more so very obedient to me and loyal. She feels safe in my arms and holds on for me to wake up every morning so she can smell my breath and paws on my chest if I am awake and that is her way of saying, "Good morning, mommy!"

I am so glad she is with me. My marshmallow to my s'mores. I love her so much I would be sad if I lost her.

Update on living arrangements

We are on the verge of moving out of my apartment. So the house is chaos. And my parents and my brother are coming to town. So, more chaos! I only have a studio. And if I might I think I would throw stuff now out of my apartment that I don't use. Funny, that Honnie is so comfortable with the stuff on the floor for now but wait until I throw them. I hope she will feel more relaxed too.

She needs a haircut and a bath so badly. My expenses count for that this coming payday. I have also to buy Mom and Dad a sleeping air mattress. Because we have two more months before we move out of here when they arrive. Where would they sleep? I am so happy I am able to move out of my apartment indefinitely. Next chapter of my life. The timing is right for now I just have to throw and clean up the mess that both I and Honnie made while having fun with each other's company.

So this checklist for me while Honnie watches me upkeep my apartments for the whole month goes something like this.

checklist before move


My whole life revolves around Honnie. It is like Honnie this Honnie that. Because she is just attached to me to the hip! I love her and I can't get enough of her. I guess sometimes she gets tired of me because I ignore her because she gets yappy sometimes. But I provide time for her and cuddle with her when I watch TV or go outside to do her business.

maltipoo with toys

If I have enough salary and income for the month then it wouldn't be a problem to spoil her. So this is what I am doing for her and me blogging so that we can reach a little more comfortable life for both of us. But for now, it is meager. But I tell you, she is up for the challenge with toys or no toys at all.

I provide for my pup, she is everything to me. Like my little daughter and so she will be for the time being she is alive.

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